Neurodiverse children and adolescents, such as those with Autism, may have:
- Difficulties with joint attention, turn taking and eye contact
- Difficulties with social interest, social interaction and social communication
- Delayed speech and language development
- Attention-related difficulties (ADD/ ADHD)
- A preference for repetitive and predictable play/ activities
- Difficulties with Imaginative and pretend play
- Difficulties focussing on activities/ topics of conversation or a tendency to be easily distracted
- Difficulty coping with transitions/ unpredictable changes to the routine which may lead to outbursts and frustration
- Sensory processing difficulties
- Selective eating that is reliant on distraction
Please get in touch to see how I can support you and your child by providing a detailed evaluation and assessment of all aspects of communication with an individual management plan to facilitate progress in all areas of speech and language, social communication and feeding development.